Communication goes international

Source: NATO, Collective defence – Article 5, 2021, 23 november

For two years I have been eager to be spokesperson and as you could read in my about page, I am also very interested in international organizations. It is very interesting to find out how they communicate and what is important for them. That’s why I spoke to Ms Mauss Delphine, who works at the NATO Public Diplomacy Division in a team of press officers where they work for the spokesperson Oana Lungescu. They answering the questions from the press. She told me a lot of information, in these blog you can read the interview.

I work as a Press Officer in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO.

Source picture: NATO Pressroom – Mauss Delphine – Press Officer

What was the procedure for this vacancy?

NATO recruitment process starts with the advertisement of a job description when a position is vacant. National from NATO nations can apply if they have the right qualifications and professional experience required for the job.

What does your job entail?

I Draft press lines for the Secretary General, draft and edit press releases and press statements. Answer queries from the media on current issues is also my job. I provide journalists with accurate information about NATO’s latest developments, policies and operations. I also review relevant media and political trends and provide analyses and deal with requests from media for interviews. I give support during Ministerial and other high-level meetings. Draft and present briefing papers and presentations for internal as well as external audiences.

What do you find exciting/fun about working in an international organization?

It is a very rich environment made of different nationalities, sensitivities and way of doing things, which makes it challenging, and interesting at the same time. Dealing with various stakeholders (media, military and civilian personnel) and diverse issues.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

Before our daily team meeting, I usually read the press review we receive in the early morning. I also check twitter and the NATO website to see the latest. All -known- task are assigned at the beginning of the week, so Press Officer can prepare ahead of deadlines. However, given the news cycle, there are always last minute requests and task to do. This is a very busy environment.

What is your vision on a good communication policy?

A good communication policy requires: identifying and understanding the various audiences, identifying clear goals, ensure adequate planning for communications campaigns, integrated communications plans, and other communications activities. A good policy should constantly adapt, in an agile manner, to the highly evolving environment. And it should be based on facts.

How important do you think Public Relations are and why?

Ensuring public support is essential for organisations such as NATO. It builds mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and the public.

Why do you think it is important to have good internal and external communication?

In a consensus based organisation such as NATO, good internal communication is key to ensure clear and consistent messaging. Ensuring good communications with colleagues from the International Staff or the International Military Staff is also key to build mutual understanding on issues in order to ensure a good, clear and calibrated external communication.

Belga – NATO building

Why is this important in your organization and how are they dealing with it?

NATO communicates on security issues and a good external communication is essential to ensure that NATO’s message and the position of Allies is clearly understood.

What does your organization pay attention to while they are communicating? Which aspects?

In NATO, there is a need to constantly assess which information can be communicated. There are sensitive security issues, sometimes classified, on which NATO does not comment.

What is to you the difference between communicating in an international environment and more locally? What needs extra attention?

On the international scene, it is important to avoid escalation especially on the issue of security and defence.

How important is social media to your organization?

Social media are an integral part of NATO’s communication strategy. The Secretary General, as well as other senior officials, have a twitter account on which they communicate. Twitter is also a great source of information. It requires a careful review, as there might be fake news….

Are there strict rules within your organization for communicating outside the organization?

There are indeed strict rules. There are only 3 individuals in the press office who are allowed to be ‘on the record’ and express an official NATO policy.

Source picture: NATO Pressroom – Oana Lungescu – Spokesperson

How do you deal with the press, is there a certain procedure that must be followed?

The NATO Press Office is the first point of contact for all media enquiries. Media reach our team of Press Officers through email or phone.

What is your experience with a press conference? Which event was important to you?

We have a vast experience in organising press conferences. We had to adapt to COVID by organising virtual press conferences. The most important event in 2021 is, without a doubt, the NATO Summit held last June. From the preparations to the actual event, the press office was very busy.

Do you have any tips to a future communication expert?

Be factual, clear and concise. Always check information and sources, especially on social media.

What qualities should a communication manager have in an international environment?

Such a manager should be flexible, adaptable and ready to work in a fast pace environment. It will be important to show empathy and understanding and to foster a good team spirit among team members.

My interest in the international world has been grown even more. The things that have been said are very interesting in any other organization, be it national, European or international. I can’t wait to use this as a spokesperson. Everyone can learn from this. Would you like to know more? Feel free to contact me and follow Ms Mauss on LinkedIn. Work on your network!

I suggest listening to a podcast with Dylan White from NATO, this is part of the series behind the scene. You can find it at the bottom of the webpage.

Thanks to Lucia Eeckelaers for making this interview possible.

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